"One for the money, two for the deathgaurd green."
Me at the Hozier concert
At the live show for Summersalt!
Perfect ad timing
Just wanted to share that I reached 50 blood donations
What are some unique, creative hooks in rap
Did anyone actually see their name in that keys of the past scene in the?
Ivy says good evening
What games meant a lot to you that can be finished in less than 8 hours?
WIP Deathwing Terminator C&C Approved
First 10 are done, a combat patrol to go!
[list] album/song you have trouble listening to because the emotions of the time you associate it with are so strong?
does anyone have any recommendations on internet history/explaining social media developments/social media “culture”?
Gamers of reddit, what do you feel is a franchise that needs to make a comeback?
Why would someone steal the driver side mirror glass?
Penguins in pullovers. Companions. With their cuteness, they attract the attention of the enemy and thus help their owner in the fight...
Is there a game you want remastered for ps5?
Question about the half plague marine from the Poxwalker sprues.
Posted this to the AOS Reddit but I think Here is more appropriate
Seen at the local witchy store...
In Australia, someone took a photo of this snake's last attempt to avoid getting eaten.
Poor moose bat
anyone know the sauce?