The (Updated) Solar System of Sol 2590
If these four factions fight in a free-for-all, which one would be most likely to come out alive
Is there an in game equivalent to the city of Rome?
On this day 232 years ago, King Louis XVI was executed
Is the console version still supported?
Never mind the fact that it’s a theocratic fascist dogwhistle anyway. Like you look at me in the eye and tell me with a straight face that these aliens would realistically care, if anything they’ll embrace it and wear it like a badge of honour.
Why the hell we guys mostly use boring state stuff like monarchy or oligarchy when we can make our worlds have libertarian loligarchy or Aztlani Flower Warlord Cliques?
What is in your opinion, the biggest Fallout misconception?
Hypothetical near future Lunar warfare: what would it look like?
The post-scarcity society when it meets the post-death society
Make the comment section look like Dutch's search history.
"Sniper Platoon - 1 Shot 2 Kills", IDF Soldiers (Normalization of Violence, 2009)
Ludicrous job application to Taleworlds - tell me what the community wants
Comment to create your own nation, tell me where you want it, what color you want it to be, and I will add it. Day 1.
Short story about the not-too-distant future impact of AI on peoples lives
What's the first rule of DayZ?
"Apache Longbow 3-6 Cavalry" - painting by Larry Selman (c. 2010)
So angry
What planets/moons in the Solar System do you think are underutilized in science fiction?
This gang of Crabs spawns in your biggest settlement. They start to steal stuff and Harass people. What would happen with them?
“Political power fantasy?” Worse
Anglocentric bias
I don't know why some people get so salty about some amateur writing a brimstone missile ripping apart a dragon. Just wipe those tears with the next installment of the multi-million dollar movie franchise where the opposite happens.
Spotted a sovereign citizen in the wild
An argument in defense of large ships in Scifi both hard and soft