Performance in GTAV Enhanced is surprisingly VERY good
How do people actually get granted dato tittle?
GTA online friends (:
Need help with Prison break heist
looking for 1 or 2 people to make loads of money with
Looking for PC players
PC Recruitment
PC Grinders Needed
The decisions were made.
Is it just me or is malaysia and america more similar than we care to admit?
Looking for organ seller in semenanjung malaysia?
Gymshark Malaysia
It’s time the UFC swallow their pride and just pay the man for these gloves.
Sparring and no pads?
What you worse weight-cut experience?
A better image of the Skaarl-like creature; we can see it has two legs and a tail
I'm conflicted with my part time
Hey, I've been having these lags lately. Every now and then, they start, and playing with them is a real pain. Do you think it's more of an internet issue or a PC problem? Thanks.
Should I make police report?
Help me choose which house loan I should take
How much do bouncers get paid?
Planning to learn korean to get a job, should I take TOPIK 1 or should I just save the money and aim for TOPIK 2
Your legal questions / queries is my honour to answer them.
Working in Dubai
Where do I get cheap shorts