What comedies had the biggest impact on your sense of humour?
What’s missing from my collection?
What’s the biggest lie you believed about life growing up?
Recommend "fuck you songs"?
What song is playing?
I think I am a INCEL because I think everyone in the world doesn't want me because they are evil
I'm ugly yet I still crave romantic affection
I hate my boobsize
I did my part of the deal (NSFW)
Being ugly is the worst
I don' t know how to phrase this without it sounding weird; I'm looking for white female vocalists that "roar" when they sing? I hear black female artists do it a lot but not many white girls. (examples inside)
I got teased a little bit in school for my larger nose. I would never change it though, as it is part of what makes me uniquely me💞
What was the biggest waste of money in human history?
What’s the most bizarre thing you've witnessed in public?
What album would you recommend to a stranger on the street (or reddit)?
What are you unashamedly a snob about?
Name a band where all members secretly hate each other
A movie you wished you watched sooner?
Who is the worst Brit?
Does Smoking Stretch a Tiny Bump Further Than Snorting?
Does ULDN prevent withdrawal?
I don't like how big/flat my nose looks when I smile
Games that you gave up on because you just couldn't figure them out.
Would you have cut off your pud for Shrimply Pibbles?