Is lance really that unpopular?
Feeling old for gaming.
PirateSoftware announces monthly updates for his 6 year old early access game "Heartbound"
Fandy just joined Pirate's list.
Quin69 - Quin tries to understand PirateSoftware's take on StopKillingGames
Mortdog on the Piratesoftware voice changer
EA will shut down the Origin app on April 2025 — company asks users to migrate to the new EA app
Pirate Roachware
Max sees PirateSoftware's take on Liquid Exploiting During the RWF
Ross Scott (Stop Killing Games) thoughts on the Pirate Software incident.
Does this count as a 360 Offset Dodge Parry??
Built my first PC after being a laptop user all these years
Would you watch a weapon guide with this sort of display for combos when learning a new weapon? Would love some feedback!
didnt they rework shinobi and remove his ranged gb for this exact reason
super excited for my 9800x3d.. ohh wait
What Exaclty are the Rules of Engagement Here?
Piratesoftware real voice
You can see the DSS warp when it's time!
Friend : “How are you not bored after 6k hours?” Me:
Fucking unhinged
Name any Excision song with only emojis
MoonMoon Has a Moment of Pure Brilliance
PirateSoftware was cheating on his Outer Wilds Run
Finally got my Fallen Aces lighter!