ellie has a bead collection, show me your OC, and she will assign them a bead!
Aight, fuck it. Which one of your OCs has somebody said "smash" to?
How would you react if you met your OC?
Show me your non human/alien ocs and SBX Archimedes will judge them to see if they or their species is worthy enough to join the Ascended League! (Aka become cyborgs)
How much your OC changed since you created them??
What I got at a thrift store!
Seashell Jar
Least favorite Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie?
Everything i grabbed at memphis monster con
I collect buttons
Fired some clown trinkets!
$75 chainsaw from spirit into this spray painted it my self 😁
I like my things just a little bit. Just a tad.
I wanna cosplay Leatherface, how should I go about it?
Vilkas also hates sun
Real punks eat roadkill
What's an artist you are shocked still hasn't been added?
I have a Question is Hitchhiker and Choptop are the same person?
Progress pics of alternative TCM poster I painted.
My sisters trinket shelf!!
SDV saved my life and gave me the love of my life
what can be stored in this tiny box?
What song or lyrics come to mind
Fav video game Leatherface?
Please Help‼️‼️