Cardiac CT Certification?
Puppy eating too fast
Radiographer/ Radiologist
Old man names
Duplicating Expenses w/Land Purchase?
Cat Vomiting
Husky + Anal Gland Issue?
Pt came bc they had back pain and complained about shoulder pain
Rad tech salary
The kind of night I’m having
Image quality in reports
Who were your starter villagers?
Winnie’s my favorite—who’s yours?
Does anyone else do this with C-Spines?
AITA for telling my dad there will be no making up for missing my high school graduation?
Both cats have urinary "mineral build-up" after moving to new home, running out of ideas
What brand CT scanner do you prefer using?
A discord GSA
Letting my love for dotting pens take over
Eating your young
WIBTA if I divorce my husband after he beat me up in a drunken rage?
CT at hospital vs clinic
AITAH for getting upset with my boyfriend after he told me to lose weight