Me irl
Your credit card numbers are what they are reacting to
Jimmy looked noticeably thinner in season six. Why did Bob lose all that weight.
Catgirl < Cannibal
Hi, I’m thinking of playing Half-Life (I just finished Portal 2), and Inwas wondering if there was some deluxe edition or collection version you would recommend with the entire Half-Life series?
Single best House episode? I'll go first
YOU. HOUSE MD FANS. What's your reasoning for liking the show?
YOU. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE FANS. What's your reasoning for liking the anime/manga?
Did anyone else think the Nausea effect image was a green steve with a tiny body?
I guess they’re both evil??
Yes it’s real.
Which is the BEST/WORST Turret?
Characters who should have their own spinoff series?
Missed opportunity with Thanos
What would be the worst flavor for a flavored condom?
Another one from r/RobloxHelp.....
Does this outfit give off Bisexual energy or what?!
They don’t know about Currents.
I like to think not being cast as Michael Scott haunted Bob for years, and this line was a super meta joke about him finally having moved past it
I think that when Season One is viewed without comparison to the rest of the show it’s actually really good.
Who is your favourite member of the Dreemur family?
Brenda was so cute. I wish she had been a recurring character like David Wallace.
Ooh. He looks tasty in his uniform.
If every single night of the week is too much..
Every pub I've been to in London
What are your favorite wholesome quotes from the show?