How old were you when you bought your first house?
What is the best age gap to have between two kids?
Are there genuinly happy couples?
People who had children later (35+), how long did it take you to conceive?
Comfort Fedoke's post on Allison
Millennials with bachelors degrees, was college worth it in retrospect?
Are puzzles dangerous for us?!
Missing one piece of exploration on Escape Pod 3
I’m so tired of being the sickest I’ve ever been in my life
Are younger generations permanently priced out of the housing market? Is this henceforth a generation of renting?
What are your baby's favourite (non-Fisher Price) songs?
ULPT: You should know about Jury Nullification, especially if you might be on a jury in New York in the next few months.
TMI embarrassing sexual things
What was something you were told “just wait until…” about, but it turned out to not be a big deal at all?
Why is sharing a bed with a partner frowned upon when visiting/living w family in the USA?”
What’s so bad about nursing to sleep?
A Look Back at 90s TV: CBS
Working moms in happy marriages/relationships - what do you think it is that keeps you happy together?
What is the state doing to prepare for 1/20?
What brand disposable diapers is everyone using?
Anyone else bored of most video games now?
Millions of low-cost homes are deteriorating, making the U.S. housing shortage worse
What knowledge did you lose from your brain when you had your baby?
How soon after starting daycare did your baby get sick?