First time playing Nioh 2 after finish RotR and this boss give my hands shaking after beat him 💀
Started playing minesweeper again since childhood, it's actually great!
Somersloops are a buff to high production rate recipes
Finally got the Golden Nut after 230h
Easy early to midgame overflow system without smart splitters
Coal Power Confusion
Just finished 1.0! Is my factorio showing?
First complex factory (supercomputer) with help of a planer, kinda proud.
Compacted Coal ≠ Coal
6 admin tech moment
Final fight remake bug?
Factorio 2.0 and Satisfactory 1.0 at the same time?
What’s the color of country in the game you hate the most?
Is there any way of returning to saint-cloud before defeating the selenite of the Louvre?
Brass Birmingham for two?
Which Concordia card price side is your favourite? The wine/silk side or the silk side?
Ark Nova High Score
Basic questions about Thai script
Question ?
Does it make sense to enter Creo World in mid-game?
First Toyota: white dashboard?
Wie heeft er aan de dimmer gezeten!?
My 3rd playthrough, as Ayutthaya
Tone of "hello" in Thai