If you guys are playing gold stake, do you restart if you get a bad first shop?
Chessly explore feature
How does White get out of this one?
dressing up is mandatory
Who dances / does not dance at shows?
Genuinely asking, for what reasons does someone prefer Chess.com over Lichess?
Where is the search for course via position function?
What is your favorite Gizz breakdown?
New Classes in Chessly?
Whats your KG hot take(s)?
New guess the Elo just dropped! (Chess.com blitz)
My first rapid game in a month, came back and played a short game with 100% accuracy
Guess my age and gender (hard)
Can you see why this is a blunder?
Hello. My name is Han-Tyumi 🤖 HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃
My Han-Tyumi Costume!
I'm 15 and I just got into prog, any recs?
Me and the Wife - Can you estimate our Elo just from the board state shortly after castling?
Some of my favorite albums. Rate my taste/Recommendations?
What are your favorite video game soundtracks?
It finally happened!
The winner of "What's this song's name again?" Is Sketches of Brunswick East III. Next is "This Song made me a fan"
Prog rock songs with a spooky vibe?
Favorite single performance of the US Summer tour? Can’t get over Cleveland’s Muddy Water
Claim your album