Salamander Librarian
Best material to use with GSW Rolling Pins?
[H] Marines, Orks, Eldar, Chaos, Seraphon, S2D, Lots, [W] $$, [Loc] Toronto, CAD
Title: Fan-made Kill Team App - Second update
Angels of Death Kill Team finished
Another what green should I use post
Can this ladder be blocked?
Was having issues remembering the rules for my Hunter Clade so I've made some MTG cards with simplified rules to help with that!
On the anvil of war are the strong tempered and the weak made to perish.
Kill Team 😋
Completly done first minie
1000 points finally!
My kitbashed Captain I completed just in time for my tournament yesterday. I won best painted army!
Seeking advice as to what I am doing wrong.
Where is the library?!
Question that bothers me constantly
Blood Angels Captain in comic book style
Have this box sitting around unopened, is Kill Team worth getting into?
My third Salamander is done ✅ and it is a big boi 😍
Because bolt pistols.... are cringe
xFoxyGrandpa’s Karma Thread
D6 Minis Karma Thread
[H] Warhammer Hobby Clear Out AOS, 40K Chaos Knights [W] PayPal [Loc] NV, USA
Found these all recently for a few dollars