Lochlan and his sexuality...
PSA: Media literacy does not equal someone liking the same things you do.
Why would they design the city to need or have cars?
Does Helena Know the Whole Truth About Harmony?
What people seem to be missing about the "opposing" Sweet Vitriol opinions
The CRUCIAL thing about Sissy that is right in front of us
Is Sinatra ever really wrong though?
Is the White Lotus the most high profile reactionary show of this decade?
This episode doesn't deserve a low score
Blackberry phone
The most important words of Sweet Vitriol IMO
"The series gets so good after the first three seasons. Trust me, sit through them, and it'll pay off and be worth it"
Why do people want Mark to end up with Helena? Mark is Helena's victim
What could be the worst case scenario for Tom after the finale?
Stupidly hoping for a Saxon redemption arc:
About Jane Driscoll
They do make a hot couple
What Will Jane's Backstory Be?
Brilliant Easter Egg: Atlanta
Y'All Have Some Twisted, Depraved Minds (Theories, Speculation)
Armond Appreciation 🖤
The only thing that’s bothering me is (ep 08)
Season 2 is in production by April!!
Why didn’t the senator’s wife try to get help when she met Devon? (Season 1)
Will anyone wonder...