What’s your New Year’s resolution?
What changes are you making, not only because of the New Year, but because you want better for yourself?
What would make you so hyper and giddy, that you want to run in circles and annoy others?
What are some historical inaccuracies in "True Story" movies? [Serious]
What's the first thing(s) to change when trying to lose weight and/or get fit?
What is one thing that has stuck with you?
What did you want to be when you were a child?
What line from a TV show/movie has entered frequent use in your life?
Which wild animal would you want to become domesticated?
what would happen if you let 30000 alive chickens in the middle of the city?
what helps you when you are anxious?
Which is more difficult, being a spouse or being a parent?
How do you say "I want an attractive Latina woman to sit on my face" in your native language?
These movies based on Marvel characters are gonna be a decade old this year. Where does all of them fall in your rankings?
What movie did you see in theatres that had the loudest laughing reaction?
CIA agent Bill “Slade” Wilson in TDKR is the Deathstroke of Nolan’s universe
Is it just me or did they change the year between the two games?
What is something that you "learned" from a movie you saw in the last 10 years (and what movie was it)?
If you could change your eye color to any color, one that's real or not, what would it be?
"If you were given an invisible paint, how would you use it in your daily life or transform ordinary objects into surreal experiences?"
What is the number 1 rule of the Bro-Code?
What is that secret you can't tell anyone because it will probably ruin your life?
Why don’t people use scissors to cut food very often?
What is a movie so confusing you had to watch it twice to understand it?