Anyone doing raids today?
Coming back looking for friends?
Where to find a team for farming EN06 or whole raid?
Not having luck finding a Raid team for farming on Discord. Anyone here interested? Im on PC.
Does anyone want to run raids?
Need people to run raids with
H: 1k LL3 W: Offers
H: Max Caps W: your apparel/Junk
H: List W: Offers
H: Leaders W: Asylum worker forest
H: Forest Scout Armor Mask W:Other Mask offers
H: Q2515 Tesla Rifle W: Mask/Apparel Offers
H: GHB, USA, FSA, Crazy Guy, Demon, Raven, Deathclaw, BoSJ, 400 Big Guns, 400 GnB5, 10k Lead, 250k Ultracite 5.56, 10x HC Backpack Plans, 5x Armor Plated & Refrigerated Backpack Plans, Mods in Photo W: Offers
H: TS/E/25 Fixer W: Offers
H: Q50V25V Gatling Plasma W: Offers
H: List W: Trade Offers (apparel,junk,plans)