Was ist das & was hat das für eine Funktion?
Cleaning a coin with laser
Deutschland Ticket Abo verlängert, obwohl ich schon gekündigt habe:
Icons: 10355 will be a Blacktron remake! (from Mr. Snrub + Fateful)
What is this loadout?
Please, I BEG YOU!
Invasive Arten töten?
Wich Warbond should i get?
List your top 3 Inspirations for your current story or World
Does anyone know where i could find this exact stature? (Old)
What do you guys think of my collection?
Which tribe do you support?
This “military” ID I just got sent from a guy I was baiting.
Wer kennt noch die Space-Monorail 6990? 😜👍
My first ever gunpla /Barbatos MG 1:100/ any tips?
Deinofelis was a Early Sabertooth Cat that fed on early hominids, it had specialized teeth and was adapted to hunting humans, soon these cats went extinct possibly by the humans that it hunted
Pilze gesucht!
Überreste oder Bunker in Köln?