Fulbright process very confusing and rushed.
Unistall TikTok and missing in App Store
Today’s my 28 birthday and I am going to end it tomorrow
Sleeping With
Im literally crying right now!! I hate this 😭 😭 😭
My friend keeps getting ghosted after first dates, how can I tell her why this is happening?
FWB has cancelled 3 times in a row, should I drop him?
I’ve been talking to this girl and she randomly stoped texting me this for 3 days and sent me this
Confusing convo with my gf
Did I ruin a potential relationship?
Why was this so hard?
Just found out my fiancé of 6 years has been cheating on me. Never thought I would be in this situation
strict parents won’t let me do Fulbright
PhD transfer
PhD/ research topic
Need help: PhD research topic
I asked ChatGPT to draw an image of my worst nightmare based on what it knows about me
Why you shouldn’t use ChatGPT to draft applications