Starkiller and Fulcrum
Talzin probably wouldn't approve
The Punisher when he sees criminals
Let her cook
We're getting two Daredevil and punisher crossovers in the spam of one month
episode 4 meme
Daredevil Born Again episode 4
Wesker and Chris poster in the style of Daredevil Born Again's poster (by me)
From what I've seen over the years, some Resident Evil fans really have double standards when it comes to characters swearing
Alright bro, just zip him up when you're done 👍
TFW Frank Castle ain't been in the MCU for a long while, and the first word out of his mouth is "RUAAAAAGGGHHH!"
90s Spider-Man S2 EP11 / Daredevil Born Again EP3
"This is the ultimate life form. Tyrant!"
Get out
Spider-Man TAS S2 EP11 / Daredevil Born Again EP3
Similar energy (Daredevil Born again ep 3)
Revelations 2 similar/callback lines
Don't be a drip, wipe your lips!
In Code Veronica, Claire has response lines to Steve if you make him go back to her before clearing out the rooms
my fan poster for a mostly forgotten Resident Evil game. Survivor!
May 4, 2012
This show was 20 years ahead of it's time. They foreshadowed it back in 2006