MBTI vs Psychological Types
Why do we sometimes tend to think we're more enlightened/further in our journey than we actually are?
Do you believe in God?
Is it possible to overcome a strong inferiority complex as a result of bullying throughout childhood?
Jungian psychology has faced significant mockery from internet atheists. What are your thoughts on this?
Why to people project all sorts of things onto Jung's work?
“It is the rule that unconscious thought is projected, so you always discover it around you.” — Car Jung
Puer's, Assemble!
Is taking and posting selfies inherently a narcissistic or self-centered act?
Is the pain of discipline enough to transform the Puer Aeternus?
I need some understanding with something that I dont understand
"Could you write about Carl Jungs life like a story written for children?"
If you are not familiar with Rilkes work, I recommend you to check him out :) great poet!