Jungle terrain progress
Fire Prism Tip. What do you think?
Would you still use these 20 year old paints & washes?
”Corner” area of a (much larger) WIP gaming mat & ≈10 terrain pieces.
New kitbashed Autarch Wayleaper takes flight
How To Make Miniature Stained Glass Windows?
The future of Guardian Defenders
Help with AK Interactive Water Gel (Swamp Green)
Craftworld Iybraesil test models
TC scatter terrain
I love spending time fixing casting defects.
Nothing to see here 👀
The Hive Wall in Action! We finally played a mega game on this thing but didn't use the full size. Next time. The Emperors Gate fell at the final hour!
Fire prisms finished
Layer lines
Shroud Runnera shrouding
7’ ceiling pull ups?
Good effects paint for polished marble look on dungeon tiles?
Maugan Ra, The Harvester of Souls. I'm happy with how he turned out and I wanted to share him with you guys! As per the rules, I am a commission painter so ~ AD
My process for manufacturing lots of bits for my builds. Use a 3d printed master, make an xps foam box hot glued to it. Use tin cure silicone- the 3d printed resins don't like platinum cure. One the mold is made I can crank out dozens of models quickly.
Autarch Skyrunner Conversion
What companies make similar tufts?
Spray stick replacement idea
This bush took under 2 mins to make and like 20 cents
Bridgehead Strike