books that feel like the show ‘the bear’ ?
She Said What?! Blaming Women for Everything That Happens to Them.
What will baby Boy #2 end up becoming?
Can follows ask leads to teach them a move?
Does anyone else’s family have 'home clothes,' or is it just us?
I'm not sure if this belongs here but wtf
Anything cultish, extremely cursed and American
already read demon copperhead
Something that includes a bit of romance :)
Man believes makeup equals sexual assault
NSFW Do people actually buy these??
Books that feel like this (East European winter)
30% off of Barnes & Noble Starting 12/25
what are everyone's favorite mondegreens?
Just found this name
Some tragedeigh versions of “Charlotte” in the comment section
Literary fiction that feels like Yellowjackets?
Imagine preferring to save any murderer over a woman who slept with 100 men (and assuming that teenage girls are having orgies at school, as if it was common)
Spell Your Name As A Tragedeigh... I'll go first.
Pregnancy groups are the worst
Books that feel like this.
Plight of desperation by German single academic, translated for your (dis)pleasure
Just finished remodeling this bathroom. What else should be added?
found in the wild
Am I the only one who can't count single crochet rows