What's your opinion on this app redesign? Much people complained about "report" button.
the flair says all
Does your avatar/oc likes Kenji or Emiko more?
Rate my drawing out of 10
If u still still wanna be in my manga then send ur avatars (More leaks below, read desc)
What would your avatar say when idle
Emiko will rate all of you guys'/girls' avatars, but she will be a bit brutal.
"Hitla" "Masta oggway" 😭
5 Days until my Birthday Subathon Debut!!!!
Giving your character dumbest headcanon
Draw me
ask these two idiots anything
whats your avatar’s type?
How would your oc react to my oc? (Read description for context)
Anyone know the accessories or hair for blonde one? Game is shy gaze outfits I've found similar accessories but they're not the right colour
Kenji and Emiko have decided to be good for once and give you all presents (they are not happy because they pay for these presents with their salary). Choose whose present you want and say something nice or you will be killed
Do you all think Kenji and Emiko are dating or are actually siblings (or both)
Calar calar Calar Calar
This avatar is definitely missing something. I need help deciding what to add.