I was going to gamble all and quit, but then....
This is gotta be... the only one in the world right?
How to predict next poe2 "unfortunately" posts...
Did I almost win? I don't know if I should div it or sell as is...
More Than 700 Divines Giveaway
My Best Crafted Boots!
Hello yes, excuse me. What the hell is going on with the Market Ratio for Divine Orbs??
Noob needs help with scope choice.
Well, that was better than expected.
What division am I in?
End of league build giveaway! Temporalis Autobomber
Statistically Significant
This is 7 things
How to get hate mail?
My first Ingenuity Belt !!
Astramentis giveaway
I thought this was supposed to be expensive. Does this spawn like this normally? First time this showed up for me.
Should I attempt to craft or sell as is
It's been two months to the day since the release of PoE2 on Early Access. How are you feeling about the game? Still like it? Already burned out?
The most cursed sapphire in the entire game
Great game, great EA, but I am done
Guys are overexaggerating. Only took 533 hours to get my first.
Guys, can someone explain what makes the tablets so desirable? Is it just Heroic Tragedy and the flask? Aren't they like ultra-rare?
This game is just way too good. Good job, GGG.
I'm terrified to slam this!