Stop telling people their legendaries are worthless
Imma Say it F Nuka Cola Lets Get Some Vim! Stuff in 76!
Have you ever seen a Lightweight 3* weapon loose mod ?
[PS]H: Scanner Mod Boxes W: Bruiser or Aegis or Tanky 1:1
i actually find playing solo more fun. community is stingy and unhelpful as fuck all what people say is bs
plasma caster slow
What happened to the Key Ring?
error during login 3:0:562949953421327
Update patch notes.....what's that?
[PS]H: Reflective Box Mods W: 1 Pin Pointer + 1 Pounder per mod box
Stuck on signing in screen
send tips and useful info to a new 76 player (:
[PS]H: Up to 7 Reflective box mods W: 1 Pin-Pointers + 1 Polished per Or mixed flux offers (cobalt not a priority)
[PS]H: Reflective Box Mods W: Mixed Flux offers (cobalt isn't a priority) or Pin Pointer/Polished Offers
Shotgun speculation.
H: Mods W: Thru hikers please
PA Display Exceeds Build Count But None Built Or In Storage Or Blueprint.
A Guide for Easy Herbivore Raid Buffs
H: FCJS and 800 Explosive Bobbleheads. W: Overeater and FDC Mods
H: mods in pic W: fusion cell offers
Elipson Squad Trophy Plan
*PTS Spoilers* Are/Will Pistol builds be viable after the next patch?