Who would you cast Bill Pullman as in the MCU?
Why do people do this???
Cast Elle Fanning in MCU
AIO? Long distance girlfriend wants to take a break
What movie traumatized you when you were a child?
The MCU starts in the early 2000s with Sam Ramis Spiderman and Ang Lee's hulk. Who are we casting for the rest of the Avengers?
My ex dumped me a few days ago and now she “wants” support
of a yam
What's your comfort food?
Let’s hear your most unhinged horse names
How do you break up with someone without a "reason"? 25f/23m
What's one smell you absolutely cannot tolerate but most can?
I agree. Not all of the movies may be perfect but some were fun to watch. But some could've been better
Male Shep or Fem Shep
When Christian Bale does it it's "method acting"
What advice would Batman give his younger self?
If you could fund a Backstory Game, which ME Character would be the Protagonist?
Does anyone here ever feel like they appear nice on the outside but on the inside, they are actually twisted and evil?
My son and I made this. Who are you taking?
I know people may not agree, but I personally like both suits.
Do you guys prefer earbuds or headphones
What's your favorite character that fits this?
The curious case of aunt May
Is it possible to just do minoxidil and not fin? How long would it take for the minoxidil to stop working
I ruin every relationship I’ve been in