Sick of scamming decanters, I went ahead and bought a full bottle of Sharaf Blend and here is my review.
User flair giveaway. Comment your flair to get them added, Only for people without user flairs. No changes will be done for people who already have user flairs.
Starting a new streak of 30 days 30 reviews: Day 1 Lattafa Nebras (best clone I’ve ever tried)
So a user posted asking for fragrance recommendations today, since I've had the opportunity to test over 70+ women fragrance in the last 5 months as a guy, AMA about fragrances
Updated Designer and niche decants
Updated Designer and Niche decant list
Updated decant list
Review 9 of 30 reviews: Lattafa Asad
People with 20 or 30-40+ perfumes, if you get a chance to restart your journey from 0 what 4 bottles are you keeping?
Day 31 of reviewing fragrances every day: Versace Crystal Noir EDT
It's Jonklin' Time
Day 8 of 30 reviews: Rasasi Fattan (back after the break)
Updated Designer and Niche Decant list
The colour difference is too much!!
Day 7 of 30 days 30 reviews: Lattafa Khamrah Qahwa
Day 6 of daily reviews: Lattafa Khamrah
Day 5 of 30 reviews: Armani Si Fiori
Is half light coffee trustable? They have Aeropres clear less than 1k than other websites
Day 4 of daily reviews: Kayali Vanilla Royale Sugared Patchouli 64