Weekly Poop/Umbilical Cord Thread
Ladies and gentlemen of Reddit describe your life rn in 3 words!!
Does grunting ever stops ?
7 week old won’t sleep during the day
What are things you wished you did during pregnancy ?
Favorite month/week
Please tell me this will pass, I’m dying
Round or rectangle?
Did I go too bold?
Baby just turned 4 months and I can finally say we happily graduated from newborn...
Is babybrezza worth it? Other tips for a smooth transition
Newborn pulls own hair.
How many times an exclusively ff baby poop?
gold or silver?
Nursery finally done. Maybe much?
Baby constipation
Formula on the go
What are 3 words to describe your LIFE now?
Former pumping mom - why did you transition into formula?
Are we ever going to find the right formula ?
What’s your comfort show you’ve rewatched a million times?
Did your parent(s) yell at you growing up? How are you now?