What knowledge do I need to be able to integrate AI into existing backend products?
Public transport
Concerta 18mg makes me depressed. What's next? Strattera or stopping meds altogether?
How do I study when the deadlines are stressing me too much?
Recherche de musicien
Best noise cancelling headphones ?
Je crains que mon titre de séjour ne soit pas mis à jour à temps pour mon année d'études à l'étranger (échange). Que dois-je faire ?
Good bars in Lille/Vieux-Lille please
I just had a case of Schrödinger's error
When was your “gut feeling” actually right?
what is a KEY?!?!
Robe de mariage (invitée)
I'm disciplined enough to get things done, but it's destroying me from the inside
Puis-je obtenir la nationalité française l'année prochaine ?
the truth about gang stalking and targeted individuals
Problème avec ma bourse, ils refusent
Mr Kool-aid man says hi !
Spotify flatpak not starting?
Dell Vostro 7500 Hinge Problem - is any sort of repair possible on my own?
I call it the gigachad loop
Work smarter not harder?
Ok which one of you is responsibled for this?
Experiences with Drovelis?
What things were you told growing up that were just plain lies?