Romanii din diaspora incercand sa nu se lase distrasi de situatie
Any gamers?
Renting from MAAK agency?
Locuri, restaurante, puburi care sunt must see pentru cineva care vine prima oara in Cluj
Dutch learning advice?
Is it a good idea to try to pursue a master's degree in clinical psychology in Norway coming from the Netherlands?
Which to go for between psychologist, health care psychologist, and clinical psychologist?
Wrist pain
What career path should I choose after a research bachelor's in Psych in the Netherlands?
Confused as to what career path I should choose after a research bachelor's in Psychology in The Netherlands.
Undisputed heavyweight champion Oleksandr Usyk on the passing of his father
Is it hard to get a part time job as a student in Heerlen?
PTSD moment
Idk what to title this
Why is communism treated as such a hush hush topic?
Mi se scade ceva la eseu daca nu fac rezumatul?
România are doar un centru de sănătate mintală la 300.000 de locuitori. Unul din 200 de oameni e afectat de o tulburare psihiatrică majoră
Keyboard delay
Part time job for foreign students
living in Belgium but studying in Maastricht
Living in Belgium but studying in Maastricht
if I have average grades do i have chance to getting accepted to university in Netherlands?
math/biology requirements for a psychology bachelors
Do I need to pass an OMPT-A test in order to study psychology in maastricht?
living expenses as a student in Maastricht