Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy
Official Spud Workout Program?
That boy ain’t right
RFK jr. on JRE
Who opposed Descartes?
Ben Shapiro claims slippery slope is not a fallacy
Boston Daily Discussion Thread, Tuesday October 04
Seriously, what is a good answer to “oh you’re studying philosophy? And what are you going to do with it?”
How many police officers does it take to enforce a bus lane? See if you can find them all!
/r/askphilosophy Open Discussion Thread | August 15, 2022
Is this a sufficient reading list for epistemology and metaphysics?
What's The Best Argument For Reincarnation Philosophically? What Philosophers Believe/Believed in Reincarnation And Why Did/Do They?
Hello Virginians! Are there any parts of your state which you would consider "The North" (vs The South), and if so, where would you draw the dividing lines?
What is the most hated road in the Pittsburgh area?
Pittsburgh Council President calls for removal of homeless encampments
What job can I get with a philosophy degree?
Best commentary for Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason?
What do you think about the statement "Philosophy is common sense with big words."?
Is Cartesian dualism plausible?
can you say that something or someone is the favorite if it's one of its kind?
Dealing with a sense of works "missing the point"
Is there a name for explaining or discussing a topic from various viewpoints/perspectives?
Does Kant think there are empirical necessary truths?
Logic and Philosophy of Language - Basic Booklist