Yakuza has Ruined Gaming for me
I kinda feel bad now
Caught in the whyld
Poor baby
Thank you Bohemia Interactive.
Post removed
Looks like Mama lost one of her babies ,, taking this Joey to the local wildlife center
This game's cover looks like Erik Cartman
Help me fill a list of movie masterpieces I should watch before I die
Asking for donations while on a private jet to see a game is diabolical
I want You, to put that thing you just put down where it should really go
Got a Propane Ad while watching King of the Hill
Rush hour villains look like terminators villains
The late Thuy Trang (1973-2001) in a promotional picture for Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, 1994
Pure drip
Goodbye insurgency
confidence is key
Caption this
Does anyone else hate sound mods?
PS5 port is horrible!
You have ONE chance to ask Alice out on a date. What's your approach?
Why can't we all just crowdfund and pay off Creasun or Double Negative or whatever and finally get the movie the world needs right now..?
Swollen gums