Trying to join local one
Anyone have experience using the free Sibelius to transcribe drum parts?
Looking for a solid list of songs a musician in NYC trying to secure work in a good cover band should know
How do I get a gig playing in wedding/corporate bands?
IATSE replacement room
Ideal setup for Heavy Metal Drumming?
Anyone know how I can adjust the footboard height on the main pedal of one of these?
Where are there non-jazz open jams in NYC/BK for musicians?
Where are there non-jazz open jams in NY/BK?
What are the rules when plugging in light fixtures to avoid blowing out any lights?
Any tips on double bass pedal drumming?
[New York] Can I collect unemployment if I quit because a coworker threatens me?
Can I collect unemployment in New York if I quit because I’m threatened by a coworker?
Can I collect unemployment if a coworker threatens me?
Any good resources for Zappa Drum Transcriptions
Question about Drum Rehearsal rooms
Absolutely insane backset
I'm a novice to calling a locksmith, is this how it usually goes?
How do I start day trading?
Are coding bootcamps legit for getting employed?
How does being an institutional locksmith differ from working in a shop?
I went to two different universities and have used aid for roughly 4 years between the two schools. Is there going to be a point where I can’t use FAFSA or TAP any more?
How do I get a cover band booked for bars and venues in NYC?
How do I go about getting a cover band booked for bars/venues in NYC?
What are good part time jobs for a drummer to have to be able to focus on music and still make money?