Can you guess when Forward Thinking kicked in?
What is the best non-sexual, non-drug related physical sensation you’ve ever experienced?
Big snail I found. Foot for scale
Does getting the Nintendo Switch Unity version cost anything or require any game developer license?
Dont declaw your cat😢
Dude has a different taste in cars
What's something you liked that newer games don't do anymore?
What experience should everyone have at least once in their lifetime?
Did you try Godot and went back to Unity?
What video game is 10/10?
What are your top 5 favourite Pokémon, and do they have anything in common?!
Which gaming memory instantly throws you back into the time it comes from?
What superpower would you pick, if every human would get it too?
What's a surprisingly good product that you bought solely because of Ads?
What are some really good games that are relatively unknown? Looking for hidden gems
Who do you think is the single most powerful person in the world?
Have you ever lost your passion for gaming?
In any videogame: What would be the coolest side-character to play as?
What game best encapsulates “mindless fun”?
What’s that one indie game that got you instantly hooked?
Which single mechanic ruined an otherwise great game for you?
What was your dumbest death in a video game?
What games immersed you so much it made them feel real?
Let's ruin Pokemon by making asinine changes to the mechanics!
Introducing... Paper Pokemon! (OC)