Anyone else find large maps boring?
Carvana’s odometer was 700 miles higher than advertised
I don’t know why I can’t move on from outback’s…
I'll never buy a car from a dealership again
Did I Overreact?
Lost a homie today
Excuse me, what the fuck?
As a new player this was electric
Nouver Scales
I think I eared too much money
He broke no contact just to block me before I responded
Texts between me and my new GF!
I dont think I have ever recieved a like in 3 years on Bumble... review me please!
Why do guys do this? lol
Texts with my father
Deleted my account.
My first rep. I think I’m hooked!!
looking for story about I read that was similar to my wife's been peeking at me from around corners
Recruiter called… 4 YEARS LATER
Still no season ticket?
Jordine Saga
All 3 Mythical Horses and Krogdalo’s Sanctuary completed
What causes drop rate to go above 300% cap?