Potential WrestleMania 42 matches so far
This should have been the main event of WrestleMania 35
Undertaker wins top comment for the greatest WWE superstar of all time. Who's the 2nd greatest WWE superstar of all time?
Rank these Brock Lesnar WrestleMania matches from worst to best
Is this Undertaker’s worst WrestleMania match ever
Just stop WWE
Rant about one WrestleMania match
Am I crazy
WrestleMania 40 match card on 2k25 universe mode. Thoughts?
Hear me out
Too low
Tell me your favourite wrestler and I'll rank it
This can’t be right
It may just be me, but this is way too overrated
This should be higher than it already is
This may be the greatest technical wrestling match in WrestleMania history and it’s still too low
This has no business being this low
This truly defines what WrestleMania moments are all about
This was the WrestleMania match with no fans, so I am actually okay with this
Are you kidding me?
This should be bumped up just a little bit
WWE clearly doesn’t know the definition of “not very good” and that is the case with this match
I’m not surprised
It’s the first time that Vince was doing WrestleMania, yet WWE has put this match much lower than it should be
This has got to be way too low