Bro thinks he is a YouTube moderator
What’s the most blatant accusation you’ve ever been given?
Where are u guys from??
If you had a button that could shut down the entire internet, when would you use it?
What does your religion say about elopement?
What is the most non-negotiable red flag in a relationship that can cause an instant break-up?
What is an experience that made you realize that money is happiness?
At what age did life hit you, and how?
What is a not-in-our-house thing you’ve constantly done as a child and never got caught for?
Critics of Reddit, what are some times you had to drop the biggest YTA on an OP?
What’s your opinion on superpowers condemning nuclear weapon development albeit them having thousands of them?
What questions are more debated than they’re supposed to be?
[H] $20 Razer Gift Card, [W] $15 Bitcoin/USDT/ETH/Steam Gift Card
I let the beat drop like old people with polio!
Rami Kazour, singer of the infamous "God, Syria and Bashar" song, has put up the green Syria flag as Profile pic on instagram
I think I made ChatGPT angry
Where can i get EASyPLUS?
Is there a way to make an infinite liquid source?
Saw this on r/teenagers