The most chad artillery specimen came and helped me get unstuck and we won the game
Quick reminder.
I got kicked even though im the one who got teamkilled? how do i report this guy?
Nothing more satisfying than spawncamping CAS to give a taste of their own medicine
Knowledge or ignorance
How did he get in there? (Sun City)
They never expect the rocket artillery
3 Kills with Rocket Artillery
Tired of traffic jamming at spawn or getting rammed? Here's a solution
The M247 Is Extremely Under-Rated
Which tank drops your IQ when YOU play it?
My face when the Rafale is so maneuverable that turning off the AOA limiter barely makes a difference
So instead of giving us EC maps in 14.0 Air RB, they took one of the larger maps ingame and turned it into a tiny shit version, like Afghanistan???? Top Tier Air could be so much better if gaijin didnt cater to tiktok attention span children.
I HATE this round
Got stuck in my Heli cockpit during a nuke and it looked pretty
Quite big for a "lightweight MBT"
Why are people like this
Historical matchmaking doesnt really exist anymore, so whats the fricking issue?
Spawns into full loadout SU-34 > Dies after dumping all KHs > Spawn full loadout KA-50 > Dies after killing few enemies > Spawns again in SU-34 with full loadout... WTH IS EVEN GRB ANYMORE MAN?!
Am i the only one who can't use Nvidia Filters since the Dx12 update?
Su-30SM will get 5-6x KH-38MT's and Targeting Pod with thermals 💀
Detailed modules are making the game worse + unreal
Hornet’s Sting
How did this MIG15bis lose to my Sea Hawk in a vertical stall fight?
I guess losing one elevator on the A10 means you die