Found one for 35k on a Facebook car reseller. 100k depreciation
custom build to save ‘old music good’ from ‘new music bad’
Not So Fast - A lesson in only breaking one law at a time
Invented something special
Where to purchase an all rosewood neck?
Power chords and lamps
Skylar at Master barbers. Where did he go?
Why Do People Judge Older People That Ride A Trike
1/4" and 1/2" routers (good and for parts)
Am I wrong?
What I’m learning with, Squire CV50s w/Jaguar Neck (32”) and an extra pup.
To all new players...
Star Wars Outlaws for PC* specific Nvidia GPUs required
This bass is so fucking beautiful
Dreamy #1
Got my first bass. (Does it need upgrades?)
This blew my mind, I didn’t know I could mount a MG here
Is wood movement a concern with this design? Way to improve it? 10" wide kiln dried cherry
The slopes just opened. Ready for these trash heeps to get stranded on your local mountain?
should i buy a VFR? HELP!
Let me guess, it’s a burst you’ll never own, you boomer
Jonsbo Z20 no-bling build, still wondering what would be most stuffed up build the Z20 can handle
Brake pads
Anyone want a free 113 stock fence? Located Portland OR
jazz or precision?