You wake up in 1950, you’re twenty again, with no identifiable paperwork, no house, no connections, only a suitcase filled with 50k dollars, what are you going to do?
What confirms he's a man?
How can I politely ask him to prove to me than he's a man, without hurting his feelings?
How can I politely ask him to prove to show me his penis as proof?
How do people disguise themselves and why is everyone seeking a gender transformation?
Why is being wet in the absence of all other arousal signals a red flag during an encounter with a man?
Why don't some men make me react as I wish?
What makes a woman oblivious to her own desires when dealing with her crush?
My friend thought pink pony club was about strippers
Is KOHO Legit/ safe to use?
Tips Requested
Legal, Medical & Personal Mess
Hamilton flu shots?
How do you find any kind of work when you have a disability!?
Seeds of Suspicion
Am I misremembering, or did some Home Depot's used to have a Harvey's inside them ?
We're Holograms!?
Song "Blue by Eiffel" is not about depression
Anyone else find that Leos are a lot more vicious and scary than Astrologers will have you believe?
How Strange
Just saying, but I could be happier. Would you say the solution is evident when the personal sphere never mirrors the career industry, even if you keep the same title?
What is your unpopular opinion regarding nutrition? Which foods or supplements do you believe are healthier or unhealthier than people think, despite the lack of sufficient studies to support your claim?
Craving fresh corn on the cob; where should I buy some from?
Found where all of the public bins are hiding!
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