Give love to our beloved pet <3
Wombats can survive without water for weeks, getting most of their hydration from the plants they eat. -- Tracie Ng
What small Fire Emblem fact do you have trouble accepting?
How can i (22F) validate my partner’s (25M) feelings without ignoring my own perspective?
How do you even counter Warmonger?
When you kill someone, they'll drop a funny hat
You get a free goat at will!
If you were/did have a lucid dream, what did/would you do?
who is the most attractive otsutsuki?
[Ne Zha x FE] Grima-born Chrom and Naga-born Robin (comm by @miyukiko)
Can I speak to the manager?
Who has the most beautiful eyes ? From left to right : Agatha, Colette and Sherlock.
This is Pluto and he knows things
Just completed my warmonger build
It's a shame that warmonger speak user-set language and not latin
My wife sculpted a Garfield Naruto
Dog snoring 😄😄😄
Dog with this dreams and with wub wub...
What is something pointless that you can't help doing?
Is anyone here from a lesser known/ talked about country? What is it like?
My Main Takeaway From The CYL9 Ranking By Title
Its all coming together (switch axe)
Junior duty is always the best of days here at our animal sanctuary Sara Morocco
Is it immature to maintain friendships and hobbies in a serious relationship? 34F and 36F
Rant about Revelation Deployment Limits
Zihark having the pass.