Can I get a mute button for specific heroes?
I met the invisible punch
Najbolje saune u gradu?
What's working at Rimac now like?
I hate female heroes designs.
New hero name tease(?) from orders, any guesses?
What happens with my investments if Trading212 goes bust?
Fuck this game. What the actual fuck is this.
What is the EASIEST QOL improvement For Honor devs can do to improve the game in your opinion?
Fix breach!
Why doens't For Honor have a surrender option in game?
Programming a BMS for a LiPo battery?
Checking SRAM
Which pin should I use to power BLDC motors on a RPI Pico W?
Čestitam svima koji se nisu cijepili protiv covida
Which MCU/development board to use for a quadcopter project?
Which microcontroller/development board to use for a quadcopter project?