What is one game you've played in your life that makes you go like this?
The hype is gone?
Me whenever blitz.
Autumn 2001 bugged?
My Ultimate Most Favorite Radio In GTA V. What's Yours?
What are y’all’s opinions on the 2nd amendment?
Tell me a random song and l I’ll listen to it (it can be anything and then lll rate it)
I got this game yesterday
So you're telling me an iPhone 11 can play COD Warzone, but not an M1 iPad Pro???
Face palming the face palm
Area 99 Review
How does this even work?
I may have found a fallout ARG
Day 0 of trying to get everyone from all counties of USA
a song you find heartbreaking/sad
Should i continue maining blitz? Im copper 5
What do you think about Trump
[SS] The best Zelda box art, in my opinion.
Longbow optic unlock
r/Teenagers, let me check out your profile picture, and I'll give it a rating of 1 - 10! (NOTE: If you have a generic profile picture, I'll still rate you!)
I won the podium vehicle three weeks in a row
Ask Me Anything
Honestly, without judgement. What is your opinion on trans people?
[COD] How it feels nowadays.
Does anybody else just not care about their K/D?