Preference list megathread!
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Never Brag about Dropping out from IIMs or IITs in Shark Tank!! Lessons Learned from this Season..🤐 S04 E48 "Styles Try"
Is NMIMS really worth it?
which laptop 💻😥
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Interview round
College Preference List???
Do these ECs and boards marks provide any leverage, or are they just there?
Commerce lena hai 11th Mai , plz darana may par sugarcoat Mt Krna , core lu ya applied lu ?
can someone confirm if i'm right? (subject combos)
Supergrads coaching vs Aceipm coaching for 2 yrs. I am in class 11
Mumbai university
C.U.E.T. U.G. 2022 800/800 Scorer (3 Domains and 1 Language) A.M.A
If I buy 15 indore and 15 jipmat mocks on afterboards now, can I buy the rest later?
The 2% factor.
Hey guys, dropping a crash course for jipmat! (starting today)
If I can either give jipmat or indore then which one should i give . I am dropper 2024 exam as mock score below . Want to give Indore as it offer more options jipmat only 2 ig but issue is 10 may comedk 11 isi and 12 indore also advance on 18
Any movie you can recommend having the murakami vibe to it
Made a mistake while registering for IIM Indore, URGENT HELP NEEDED!
Another Drunken Rich Brat in Pune – When Will This Stop?
is Supergrads worth it?
This is from numerical inequalities but ye syllabus me hai bhi hamlog ke is baar?
Applied maths ne dhokha de diya 🫡