Healthy weight?
Is he to skinny?!
Roach infestation
my lil guy, fancy leopard gecko
Can I get some assurance 🤨
In need of advice
She always sleeps like she’s dead. Is this normal??
Tips for geckos losing weight
tong feeding champion
Upgraded to bioactive !
Tremper, bell, rainwater?? which albino is this and she has a chocolate albino color pattern with red eyes
fixed the top portion, still have to work on the bottom :)
Picked up a male MBK @ Pomona reptile expo!
✨️ I'm obsessed with her
Any tips/ advice for a first time owner?
My first bioactive
Rate my setup!
Basic enclosure for potentially gravid female?
Female Laid Eggs ?!
telling ppl to feed live
Chonker at reptile show
He craves the outside world
Meet Clarcie
what would you suggest for this tank?