Wurt Help
Thoughts on this skin
Seriously I need more people to like Warly on the insane level that I do
What’s something a long time player who took a long time break should know?
What is your opinion on skill trees?
Guess how did they lose
Opinions on this player
What the fuck is wrong with you
No Gears Left in NO CAVE WORLD
Where are the ruins?
fiz um meme sobre a rebeliao
Sword user average IQ
Wigfrid’s symbol?
Why does no one like Pearl?
What do you think about the statement from Supercell?
Supercell how is anyone supposed to get 1000 pizzas in 2 days
This has to be a joke.
everlasting meme
Why are ppl so angry about the pizzas?
300??? Seriously??? Players spent thousands of pizza and we get 300??? Maybe 3000??? LAME
300 pizzas just doesn’t solve the problem
Um post mudou totalmente o sub
Tick Users are P*ssys
Uhm... was I supposed to get 950 free slices?
Why are all the survivors unable to swim?