This is how they drain an aircraft toilet.
please send me some money please send me some money 0756064757
What's a weird smell you really like?
Breaking / Israel resumes war in gaza
From X , the original copy of this image is 300 gigabytes ,jst so you know
Can you have a meeting under this ?
How is your love life?
i just saw this on tiktok and thought i should share here
what’s the best revenge for someone who broke your heart
You wake up with $10 million in your bank account, BUT you can only spend it in 24 hours. What’s your game plan? 🤔💰
If you truly love someone make sure to get to know any of theirs relative jst incase
Im in dire need of 2000$ GOD
Does the Recent Census underestimate the real number of Muslims?
Ugandan men Why do you prefer older ladies
Can consent be withdrawn after sex ? Mbu to make it rape
Why Chocolate Is Better Than Sex:
Is it true that consent can be withdrawn? 💀
Have you ever walked in on your parents having sex 🫠
What is your most secret confession?
unpopular fact , A garden snail has about 14000 while orther species have about 20000 teeth
In a debt of 2000$ i would realy need a good summaritan anything would do
Boy unalives him self becouse parents refused to give him 2m for pocket money ,sad yet funny , i dnt even remember my mom giving me 5k for allowence
I recuse my self from the previous post but there is more to the bone
True crime podcasts