AIO to my ex texting me nine months after we broke up?
Girl who I was talking to for about a month slept with a guy and I broke things off, 3 months later she is begging for a second chance
Texts from a guy I just met. Curious about people's thoughts
AIO by breaking up with my boyfriend over this?
Pregnancy, sobriety, and weight loss
gf is throwing a fit cause i took about 20 minutes to reply to her
Can someone please put a birthday hat on the birthday boy and remove the tree and shelf from the background? Thank you!!
AIO to be suspicious my husband is cheating???
I love press on nails
Is there a niceboy sub to place this?
I haven’t even swiped yet…
Weird conversation between an acquaintance and I.
Is it wrong to name my baby something that means "my friend" in my language but pain in another?
Has Violet become that popular?
Why are you alive?
Got home and the catnip was ripped open and Rooster was just chillin’ like this
AIO because I found these pants in our closet
AIO is my boyfriend controlling or is he in the right
I’m loving the name Harlow for a girl. But I can’t think of a middle name. Help!
Thought they were cute at first but someone said they look like the poop emoji and I can’t unsee it now
AITAH For selling my Taylor Swift tickets after my GF cheated?
Swelling from wasp sting on bottom of foot. Can’t walk.
my girlfriend wanna break up if I don’t cut it
AIO for getting upset at my boyfriend for the way he talks to me/apologizes?
Question about a wasp sting and swelling