H: 6x Rangers W: 45 Leaders each
H: polished or pinpointers W: 3 AA box mods
H: 40 Leaders Per W: 3x Bruisers
H: TLC W: 1200 Leaders
H: 10x Reflective W: 75 Leaders per
H: leaders W: 4 ranger mods
H: 10x Thru hikers W: 20 Leaders per
H: 80 leaders W: reflective mods
H: 550 Leaders W: Responder Fireman Helmet
What's going on with leader prices?
H: 10x Reflective 8x Rangers W: Leaders 100per reflective 50per rangers
H: 10x Reflective 8x Rangers W: Leaders 100per reflective 50per ranger
H: 10x Reflective 8x Rangers W: leaders 100per reflective 50per Rangers
H: 10x arms keeper 10x Thru hiker 5x Sentinel W: 40 leaders per
H: Responders Fireman Helm W: 5x Reflective mods or 400 leaders
What’s the going price for a pet rock?
Has anyone tried a full unarmed run (non pa)
When soloing eno6, how do people crouch and not get seen to use the auto axe on the shield generator?
Alright more discussion today! FAVORITE BOSS & WHY comment below
H: 2 Pin-pointer’s, 2 Polished, 2 Bully’s and 2 Pounders W: Ultracite Power Armor Tesla Coil Torso Plan
How do I behave as a new player?
H: 4* Mods (pictured) W: Reflective (5:1)
H: Mods W: Rejuvenator's mod 1:1
H: 12x Sent 13x Thru W: Junk offers(Aluminum, Ceramic, Adhesive, Gears, Concrete)
H: Excavator JetPack Torso, Bulk Ammo Scrap 60k+ Mixed (steel, lead, plastic, adhesive, crystal, aluminum) W: Sent mods, Sunshine oil, rad sugar mobs, Leader offers