Germany Netherlands border. Is the Schengen agreement a good or bad thing for border nerds?
End of 2024 was my 1st time ever being on a plane!
The former inner German border
Maximum range a PPL can fly?
CAT A1 Salary UK?
Andorran border 🇦🇩🤝🇪🇺
TU-134 lands on a Runway disguised as a Road with cars driving on it.
Why are traffic lights in Hamburg so terrible?
Small Aircraft Crashes and Explodes in Brazil - 09/01
Taxiing for departure and my 777-300ER seatbelt pulled away. Is this in-flight repairable?
Florida GA License Plate
15 January.
I want to get both UK CAA and EASA Part 66 B1 licence.
What food/small things can I bring for my friend who stays in Germany from the UK?
Twite or Linnet?
Teesside Airport reports £6.6m loss despite Houchen claims of profit
I don't know much about the history of Phil Bozeman but... Anticure has me curious about his biological maternal relationship...
A opportunity for greatness was lost with this one…
(Death metal) songs to learn tremolo picking?
Good songs to learn on a 7 string? Not crazy difficult, I’m just now getting back to playing after ten years
Never heard a call/song like this before
Why aren't there cameras on the outside of planes?
Another angle at unknown holes in E190
(NO SPECULATION PLEASE) Just wondering if anyone knows what this could be here? Don’t normally see it on in service E190s.
A scan of my Dutch Passport (2011-2016), featuring visas and entry stamps from countries I visited using it.