Physical symptoms
Do you regret the tattoos on your body?
Do they believe their alternate version of events when they DARVO?
I miss you
Does anyone else get paranoid that maybe they were the narcissist or that both of you were narcissists?
I never thought that we would end up like this
You cheated, lied and manipulated me! But I’m keeping the furniture.
How Can I Safely Remove All Pubic Hair (Penis, Balls, and Butt) By Myself?
Well. It happened
What illegal thing do you do on a regular basis?
Getting shot isn’t punk
One of the best quality videos I’ve seen of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump from start to finish.
My opinion on Johnny Depp just fuckin plummeted.
Were you bullied? Or, were you the bully?
Instant Karma is the best type of Karma
Men, what would you do if your date asks if she can peg you?
If you had a half full jug of water thrown on your hood in the middle of traffic in South Austin today by a crazy truck driver who stopped all traffic in the other lane to throw said jug, I have dashcam footage.
Who is your Mt. Rushmore of Comedy...?
Camming when bf is home, how to make it less awkward…..
If you could have a license plate that allows NSFW, what would you put on there with only seven characters?
If I gave you $10,000, what would you do with it?
What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done?
Have you ever had sex at work?
What’s your favorite thing a girl does during a blowjob?
Do you remember everybody you’ve had sex with?